Life is full of trial and error, wins and loses, success and defeat. This is an ideal time to reflect and do an inventory of our hearts as we enter into this new calendar year (Secular not biblical), and embark on a brand new decade. If we are being honest with ourselves, then we will see where we need to grow and what we may be lacking in. An unwise man will be overconfident in his own ability, and insecurity can destroy a successful future. Thankfully we can draw strength and assurance from our Creator, and be confident in what he has accomplished in us. But there seems to be times that our prayers go unanswered. Times when we feel our words never go higher than the ceiling, almost like there is a barricade between us and heaven. Sometimes these are trials in our faith. An opportunity to learn to trust in the silence. And yet other times this is an indicator it’s time to go inward and do a heart check. The Word tells us that it’s our heart that will condemn us. That if we are in the truth, that we should assure our hearts before Him.
David asked YAH to create a clean heart within him
~Psalm 51:10. “ create in me a clean heart oh Lord, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”
The word is certain that YAH is greater than our hearts and He knows all things. What can be hidden from the One who knows all things?
But here is the key…if our heart does not condemn us, than we have confidence in our YAH. We then have confidence in Him, when we trust Him, THEN, at this point, the scriptures says “whatever we ask we receive from Him” BECAUSE we keep His commandments and DO the things that please Him! (1 John 3:18-23)
He will give us the desire of our hearts IF our hearts do not condemn us. All that we ask, according to His will, will be given when we ask Him to clean us out, to create a clean heart! Repentance is critical. In order to have a clean heart we must be willing to accept our flaws and release our sins to the Father. But also learn from the mistakes we’ve made in the past so that we can teach others through our own lessons we’ve learned. By the word of our testimony others will come to know who Yeshua/Jesus is, but it takes an honest repentive heart, one that does not condemn you because it has been renewed through repentance and faith in Him.
Is there something you may be lacking in? An unanswered prayer? Unforgivness? Whatever is keeping you from the throne of Grace, it is time to get rid of it! Do not get in your own way! Be renewed! Release, let it go by laying it at the feet of your King, and be set free from what condemns us so that we can be made clean and have the ear of our Father! Amen. Be blessed in this new season, shalom.